
Phone: 720-381-4337 Fax: 720-679-0328


What to Bring

- Limited amount of clothing-enough for approximately 10 days. Laundry facilities, including detergent, are available for client use. Irons and ironing boards are accessible, however, we suggest bringing wash and wear clothing. Dry cleaning services are not available.

- Hygiene items, shampoo, soap, toothbrush, etc. Nail clippers, personal towels and alcohol free mouthwash are allowed. Sobriety House keeps person hygiene items and over the counter medications, vitamins on hand for clients that need them, including feminine hygiene products. 

- Flat-soled or tennis shoes are recommended. Shoes and/or slippers must be worn outside your room as bare feet are not permitted. 

- Lightweight jackets, sweatshirts and sweaters are recommended for evening wear year-round - a heavier coat or jacket is recommended for winter months.

- All prescription medications and a detailed list of all medications you are currently taking. Please include the name of medication, the dosage and frequency administered, name of physician who prescribed the medication and the reason for the medication.

- Over the counter medications, vitamins, and supplements are allowed.

- Identification and proof of income, if applicable.

- List of phone numbers of people you will want to call.

- It is recommended that you lock up any valuables not in your immediate possession. A safe is provided for this purpose. *Sobriety House staff cannot and will not be responsible for your valuables.

What NOT to Bring

- NO illegal drugs, alcohol, beer, wine, liquor.

- NO rubbing alcohol

- NO drug paraphernalia of any kind: needles, papers, pipes, any product with alcohol content (fingernail polish remover, cleaning liquids, mouthwash).

- NO empty pill bottles

- NO weapons of any kind: guns, knives, or any other weapons

- NO televisions

- NO mug warmers

- NO hot plates

- NO candles or incense

- NO pornography

- NO expensive items such as jewelry or electronics

- NO clothing with foul language or substance related words/logos

Please ask the Intake Coordinator or House Manager if you are unsure if you can bring an item into the facility.  All items brought in that are not allowed will be sent home with family members or held until discharge.

If you require a prescribed medication or need to take an over-the-counter medication, they must be monitored by the House Manager.

Cell phones and computers are checked into the House Manager’s Office. Clients are not allowed to use them during the Phase I program.

Clients in Phase II check their cell phones and computers into the office each night. They are allowed to check them back out each morning.

Sobriety House will not be held liable for the condition/security of any items.